With so many timeshare companies available, in addition to a wide range of vacation clubs, forming a list naming the best 10 timeshare developers or companies would be a very difficult job. More so, if the list were to be genuine and created by an independent reviewer that ranked all the timeshare companies worldwide.
As a means of defining an honest list that features the top 10 best timeshare companies, we would need clear criteria in order to establish the qualities and features that would make one timeshare business better than the next. Obviously, such evaluation of this criteria would be subjective unless there were an independent authority on the matter.
Another point to consider is that any such top 10 list would surely be full of the larger global names leaving very little opportunity for the smaller yet potentially more specialized companies that work within just one area or country, like The Villa Group Timeshare in Mexico. In many cases, the national companies provide better local services in comparison to global giants.
Finally, we would also have to consider whether or not to include vacation clubs in such a top 10 list. Vacation clubs play a key role in making timeshare flexible and convenient for modern vacationers. Even within this field there are many to choose from such as RCI, Interval International, UVCI (Universal Vacation Club International) and more.