What does Timeshare, UVCI and Eagle’s Wings Foundation have in common?
Firstly, UVCI stands for Universal Vacation Club International, which is a mutual benefit company that administers the timeshare membership and maintenance (amongst other services) for Villa Group members who own timeshare units in key destinations in Mexico, such as Cabo San Lucas, Cancun, the Islands of Loreto and Puerto Vallarta. The Eagle’s Wings Foundation is a charity that supports and raises money for projects in the poorest communities in the aforementioned destinations.
Timeshare, UVCI and Eagles’ Wings unite in helping to combat some of the issues that Mexico’s poorest communities face, aiming to “give back” to the communities where timeshare vacationers visit each year. Long standing UVCI board member, Jim McCarthy (RIP) came up with the idea in 1999 to set up a charitable foundation, offering UVCI and Villa Group members the chance to make donations, volunteer and support projects in Mexico that help the poorest people in the places where they vacation.
UVCI and Eagle’s Wings work together on fund raising programs that involve timeshare members, such as a collection box for loose change in each of the Villa Group timeshare resorts, facilitating in kind gifts and other tax deductible donations from UVCI members. UVCI timeshare members can also donate their time to Eagle’s wings by volunteering. Also, all items like beds, mattresses, pillows, toasters, microwaves etc. that are replaced in the Villa del Palmar resorts that are in good condition are sold in an affordable bazaar, whose proceeds go towards Eagle’s Wings grants and projects.
Another way that UVCI supports Eagle’s Wings is by offering administrative services and executive advice. Support is given for strategy planning and other business and legal issues to make sure that Eagle’s Wings can concentrate on delivering grants and aid to projects in Mexico that are most in need.